Welcome to my page! I am a recent graduate from the George Mason University where I obtained my B.A. degree in Global Affairs concentrating in Global Governance. I have also obtained a minor in Linguistics. I love residing near the hub of International politics in the capitol of the United States. I am originally from the sleepy little town of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I have created this website to highlight and keep track of my current skills and experiences along with my thoughts and ideas about current political and socio-economical situations. Enjoy!
Dobro dosli na moju veb-stranicu! Ja sam nedavno zavrsila cetverogodisnju diplomu sa George Mason Univerziteta iz oblasti Medzunarodnih odnosa sa koncentracijom u Globalnoj vladavini. Takodjer sam zavrsila dvogodisnju diplomu u Linguistici. Volim da zivim u Washingtonu gradu I biti dio sfera desavanja u medzunarodnoj politici. Rodom sam iz uspavanog Gornjeg Vakufa-Uskoplje u Bosni I Hercegovini. Napravila sam ovu web stranicu da bih iskazala svoje znanje I iskustva zajedno sa nekim idejama o trenutnoj politickoj I socio-ekonomskoj situaciji. Uzivajte!
Bienvenidos! Soy graduado recente de George Mason donde obteno licenciatura en asuntos globales. Tambien obteno especialización en lingüística. Me encanta vivir en Washington Dc cerca del centro de política internacional. Soy de Bosnia y Herzegovina. He creado este sitio para resaltar y hacer un seguimiento de mis conocimientos actuales y experiencias junto con mis pensamientos e ideas sobre situaciones políticas y económicas actuales. ¡ Disfrute!
Presented before you is a number of examples of my skillsets
Please feel free to contact me.
Fluent in English, Serbo-Croatian(Bosnian) and basic Spanish
Objective writing and research in MLA and APA formats
Digest and analysis large complex sets of data
Able to communicate in effective presentations
Can manage and update social media content.
Experienced in face to face interaction